10 February, 2011

HP Pavilion dv2701TX Special Edition Entertainment Notebook PC.

Ihad been planning to buy a new laptop for a while, since my older one was giving problems.  (By the way, on 24-Apr the new version of  8.04 LTS, codenamed Hardy Heron, was released.  I downloaded that and installed it on my old machine, and was very happy with it.)  The new computer cost about Rs 45,000 (which is far less than the amount I paid for my old computer two and a half years ago!).  It has an Intel Core 2 Duo 1.67 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM (which I am planning to upgrade later), and a 160 GB HDD.  I love the build quality of this computer, it feels sturdy and the design is very nice.  In fact, I took feedback from my friend Maheshwaran (who runs  on this — and he told me that his HP laptop was "used as a pillow while travelling" and had "fallen off a study table", and was still working fine.  Personally I think the 14.1 inch widescreen is the perfect size for a laptop, and that's what I went for.  I love the bright screen on this computer.  Besides all that, the computer has a very aesthetic design (seen in the picture above, which is swiped from the HP website).  In general, no complaints about the computer so far.

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